25 YEARS orange

Sowing Change: a note on Millets in the PDS and the Future of Nutrition

Led by Manoj, the panel discussion unfolds across a wide scope: from the successes and logistical challenges of the Odisha Millets Mission, to stories from millet seed conservation efforts from cultivar groups of women and farmers in Telangana.

Throughout India’s agricultural history, millets were a popular crop frequenting the diets and cultivated farmlands of many agrarian communities. These small but resilient grains—ragi, jowar, bajra, and many more varieties—formed the backbone of rural food systems in many parts of  India. They were grown by smallholder farmer families who preserved their seeds and cultivated them… Continue reading Sowing Change: a note on Millets in the PDS and the Future of Nutrition

Part 2 of Fun@25: Celebrating Naandi’s 25 years of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Spirit

Measurers, score keepers, and audiences gather for the women’s standing long jump at Fun@25 Hyderabad

In Part 1 of the Fun@25 story, we introduced the vision behind the event – how it was designed to bring Naandi employees together for a day of camaraderie, creativity, and athleticism. Now, in Part 2, we take you behind the scenes… Finding suitable venues for hosting Fun@25 posed quite a challenge for each cluster.… Continue reading Part 2 of Fun@25: Celebrating Naandi’s 25 years of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Spirit

Part 1 of Fun@25: Celebrating Naandi’s 25 years of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Spirit

The Araku cluster closing their Fun@25 event with cake cutting…and fireworks!

It’s not every day that you see your colleagues — usually dressed in office attire, typing away at emails, or rushing to and from meetings and work trips — decked out in sports gear and sprinting across a field! Nor is it common to hear a soft-spoken team member belt out a classic song, their… Continue reading Part 1 of Fun@25: Celebrating Naandi’s 25 years of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Spirit

Laying the Groundwork: Understanding Smallholder Farmer Communities, One Meeting at a Time

In a small room in Lahan Arvi, a village in the Ashti block of Wardha, a group of household and village volunteers huddle together, downloading digital materials on a total of 90 digital tablets to prepare for the first round of household visits.

Farmer engagement is one of the most crucial steps in launching an organic-regenerative agriculture project. It marks the beginning of a journey with farming communities, where our objective is twofold: to help farmers understand our work and the benefits it offers to their families and farmlands, and to ensure that we, in turn, understand their… Continue reading Laying the Groundwork: Understanding Smallholder Farmer Communities, One Meeting at a Time

Beyond the Job Factory: an alum’s journey from Gorakhpur to Mohali

At Naandi, we are dedicated to guiding young people into the job market and to staying in touch with alumni. One recent and inspiring alumni story is that of Sadhna Gupta – a young woman from Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, whose hard work and determination have made her a role model for youth in her village.… Continue reading Beyond the Job Factory: an alum’s journey from Gorakhpur to Mohali

Naandi Day: A reflection on thoughtful gifting

1 November is a special day on Naandi’s annual calendar. It marks Naandi’s anniversary (or birthday!) – a day that sparks a sense of accomplishment, unity, and celebration amongst all employees across India. This year’s Naandi Day called for celebrating 26 years of the organisation’s impact, and amidst the joys of decorating offices, dressing up… Continue reading Naandi Day: A reflection on thoughtful gifting

Harnessing the strength within: sports and self-defence as a pathway to empowering girls

The pursuit of physical strength is traditionally encouraged in boys, but rarely in girls. Not just in India but all over the world, even in developed countries, the world of sports remains heavily dominated by men—both in professional arenas and informal spaces. Girls and women are therefore kept away from the transformative benefits that sports… Continue reading Harnessing the strength within: sports and self-defence as a pathway to empowering girls

Re-connect and Re-envision: Naandi’s teams and smallholder farmers welcome Bernard from the Livelihoods Funds back to Araku Valley

In mid-September, Bernard Giraud (President and Co-founder of Livelihoods Funds) and Amla Natarajan (Senior Project Manager for India at Livelihoods Funds) were welcomed again to Araku Valley. Beyond their intention of spending time in the field and touching base with Naandi’s leadership and operations teams, their visit reaffirmed to all the nature of the Naandi-Livelihoods… Continue reading Re-connect and Re-envision: Naandi’s teams and smallholder farmers welcome Bernard from the Livelihoods Funds back to Araku Valley

Naandi and University of East London team up to uncover the realities of menstrual health for young girls in India

Over the past few months, Naandi and the University of East London (UEL) have collaborated closely to design and launch a study on Dignity and Menstrual Health. To gather meaningful data, the team developed a survey to unveil how young girls perceive and experience their periods. With Naandi being connected to thousands of Indian girls… Continue reading Naandi and University of East London team up to uncover the realities of menstrual health for young girls in India

Welcoming men to the mission of gender equality

Fathers, brothers, and husbands waiting patiently outside the Job Drive interview room at The Job Factory, Pune, as quiet but firm pillars of support.

At a recent Job Drive organised by The Job Factory in Pune, Maharashtra, an inspiring scene unfolded: fathers, brothers, and husbands waited outside interview rooms, offering silent but heartfelt support to their daughters, sisters, and wives as they took first steps toward new career opportunities. This open display of solidarity carries a vital message which… Continue reading Welcoming men to the mission of gender equality